Cabo Rico 42 - Pilothouse Offshore Cruising Yacht
A well-proportioned pilothouse enhances this capable offshore cruising yacht.
Cabo Rico 42
Pilothouse Offshore Cruising Yacht
LOA: 46'-6" LOD: 41'-9" LWL: 32'-0" Beam: 12'-8" Draft: 5'-3" Displacement: 25,300lb Ballast: 10,600lb Sail Area (IJPE): 904sq ft Fuel: 90gal Water: 130gal Engine: Yanmar 4JH57 57HP@3000RPM
The pilothouse has long been a subject of debate among sailors. Its usefulness offshore is undisputed and to many it has become a downright necessity. A blustery upwind October passage from Camden, Maine to Newport, RI spent warm and cozy instead of wet, cold and miserable converted this designer into a true believer.
Incorporating this now crucial element without spoiling the appearance of the boat is no trivial task. Lately, more of our designs have included pilothouses than not, and we consider getting them right a specialty. Redeveloping the deck of the popular Cabo Rico 42 by adding a pilothouse was a particular challenge, because on a boat this small, it is very easy to have the result resemble the boxy cousin of a telephone booth. After expending many erasers we came up with a shelter that looks, if we may immodestly say so, spectacular. When the massing, shaping and detailing are done just right, the pilothouse can actually enhance the appearance of an already attractive boat.
The Cabo Rico 42 was awarded Sail Magazine's "ultimate bluewater boat" prize in 2000. The new pilothouse version retains all the sailing traits that make her older sister such a solid and secure offshore voyager.
For more information contact Cabo Rico Yachts.