Good Hope 65 Progress
Edwin Joy
All of the internal structure is in place and and the hull plating is now being fitted. The next milestone will turning the hull right side-up.
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The latest events at Ed Joy Design
All of the internal structure is in place and and the hull plating is now being fitted. The next milestone will turning the hull right side-up.
Another collaboration between Ed Joy Design and Jacobs Brothers Boat Builders in Cape Town, South Africa is beginning. The first Good Hope 65 will be built for an American family and should be launched in early 2025.
Passages and expeditions from Cape Town to St Helena to Grenada to Nova Scotia and Greenland are on offer aboard Urchin. These are unmatched opportunity to collect sea miles safely and comfortably under the care of her highly competent and experienced skipper Stuart Kirk.
The Good Hope 56 Eva has been sold and reborn as ArcticEarth. She will be sponsoring film making and scientific expeditions to Greenland, the Canadian Maritimes and Atlantic provinces, and the Gulf of Maine. The demand for long duration, low impact, working expeditions to the remaining remote areas of the world is growing and the Good Hope 56 is proving be an ideal platform to fill this niche.
You can follow the progress of the Good Hope 56 Cu Lir at
At team under the expert direction of marine surveyor Tony O’Reilly of Derry Connell Marine is outfitting the boat with all that is required for her scientific explorations.
Construction for the Good Hope 56 for ORCA Research Ltd of Lissivigeen, Ireland is beginning at KM Yachtbuilders.
Highly customized for long duration research voyages, Cu Lir features an A-frame and winch for CTD sensors and ROV’s as well as a work area and diver recovery platform aft.
Cabins are versatile and can be custom configured for the particular equipment that a given team would need to accomplish its mission.
Auxiliary electric propulsion (and, of course, sails) allow for periods of silent running. The lifting keel gives access close to shore.
Sailing Magazine has included a fine review of the Good Hope 65 in the Perry on Design feature in the October, 2018 issue.
has been commissioned for an Irish client and will be built in Ireland. She will be tasked with doing offshore research and will have many features to facilitate that purpose. Her construction and outfitting will meet CE, MCA and Irish regulations for small passenger vessels.
Featuring a proven fully retractable keel and rudder design, simple systems and a bombproof aluminum hull, The Good Hope 65 will be equally at home exploring shallow rivers or sailing far offshore.
EVA and crew arrive in Maine waters after a vigorous shakedown cruise from Cape Town, up the west coast of Africa, across the Atlantic to the Bahamas and finally into the Gulf Stream for a boost up the United States east coast.
Jeremy Bagshaw has written a feature article about Urchin’s shakedown sail in the March 2017 issue of Sailing Magazine – South Africa.
With the hull, deck and machinery completed by Jacobs Brothers and the interior built by the owners, Eva is the second Good Hope 56 to hit the waters of Cape Town in a month. Well done!
On the crane and ready to go
A pair of Good Hope 56’s. That’s Urchin in the background.
Jacobs Brothers has launched Urchin, the second Good Hope 56, in Cape Town. Sailing trials will commence in the next few weeks. She will be on display at the Cape Town International Boat Show October 14-16, 2016.
Headed for the water.
Installing the lifting keel.
Floating perfectly on her lines.
Rig is in - sailing soon.
Looking forward into the galley. The bright interior motif is white paint with inset doors and lovely blonde countertops.
Master stateroom looking aft
An owner of an RM1350 sailing yacht in Denmark asked us to design a hard dodger that would be functional, attaractive, and fit the style of his boat. He was quite happy with the the results.
RM Yachts was very helpful by providing us with a 3D computer model of the deck so we were able to provide the builder with precise patterns for construction. It is good to see such excellent customer service.
The dodger was built and installed by the craftsmen at Mathis Vaerft shipyard in Aalborg, Denmark.
We were able to precisely model the dodger in 3D and connect it perfectly to the model generously provided by RM Yachts.
The 3D information was also very helpful to the client.
Under construction at Mathis Vaerft
Completed work
Care was taken to make sure the dodger follows the styling of the boat and looks like it was part of the original design.
Seal is shown here taking advantage of the versatility offered by her lifting keel and rudder to dry out with the ebbing tide, check the zincs and inspect the bottom, and sail off with the return of the tide.
Jacobs Brothers are making great progress on the second Good Hope 56. The pictures show an organized project well under way.
In the galley looking forward. There is a large amount of storage with the upper cabinet mounted on the side of the keel case.
The sturdy John Deere engine in place. High torque and low RPM make for a very efficient, reliable and long lasting propulsion system.
The engine room is spacious with good access to the equipment – a rare feature on a boat this small.
Note the drip tray under the fuel filters.
The fresh water distribution manifold is easily accessible. Attention to detail in locating such mundane items will make the boat a joy to maintain. The value will accrue over the long term when regular maintenance on items is actually carried out due to ease of access to the parts.
Construction of the latest Good Hope 56 is progressing well at Jacobs Brothers. For many reasons turning the hull over is an exciting milestone in the progress of the build. Work will soon begin on the systems and interior carpentry.
The hull of the latest Good Hope 56 is turned over.
The handsome pilothouse of the Good Hope 56 takes shape.
Lyman-Morse has featured the new Seguin 55 in their 2013 Chronicle newsletter. Click the link below.
The sailing media has had some nice things to say about the Lyman-Morse Seguin 55. Check out these articles.
Cruising World – More Maine Magic
Yachting Magazine – Design by Dennis Caprio
Ocean Navigator - Informed by Many Miles
The 44′ French & Webb built sloop Gusto was originally steered with a tiller. Her new owner felt that a wheel would make her easier to handle while powering in reverse and would also make moving about in the cockpit easier.
We decided to take advantage of an existing autopilot tiller arm that passed from the outboard rudder through the transom and into the lazarette. An Edson rack and pinion steerer was attached to the arm and an elegant box was built on the aft deck to house the mechanism.
The owner is delighted with the outcome. The wheel is placed so as to minimally intrude into the cockpit area. It is easily reached from the comfy helm seat (for maximum visibility) or from the cockpit (for maximum shelter from the elements.) There is excellent feel to the helm and steering is effortless in all conditions due to the fully balanced rudder.
The wheel barely pokes into the cockpit. It can be easily reached from the comfy helm seat or hunkered down on the cockpit bench.
An elegant box hides the steering mechanism and provides a base for the throttle and VHF handset. The wheel hub can decouple the wheel from the shaft so it doesn’t spin when the autopilot is steering the boat.