Welcome to Ed Joy Design of Camden, Maine
Naval architects marine engineers and yacht designers specializing in sailing yachts for cruising, racing and exploration. We are located in Camden, Maine.
A sailor since childhood, Ed has enjoyed a thirty year career that has taken him to many interesting corners of the yacht industry. After graduating from Georgia Tech, he held design positions at prestigious companies such as Windship, Sparcraft, Palmer Johnson and Intermarine, which led to an 11 year run as senior sailing yacht designer at Chuck Paine Yacht Design.
Upon Chuck Paine's retirement, Ed Joy Design was established to continue creating the graceful, seaworthy and innovative yachts that have made the Paine office famous for three decades. Ed's experience has given him an understanding of the overall broad scope of a project as well the details that make a yacht a pleasure to own rather than an endless maintenance headache.
A yacht is the culmination of a long held dream for her owner. Whether the boat is for voyages beyond the horizon or weekend family cruises, the task of the designer is to enclose the client's ideas inside a creation that delights the eye and stirs the soul. If he listens well and applies his expertise to the accomplishment of the owner's wishes, the project will be a pleasure for all who are involved in it, from initial sketches to ultimate enjoyment on the water. The many successful projects in our wake attest to the ability of Ed Joy Design to accomplish the same for you.
The designs on the following pages are as different from each other as the clients who commissioned them. Yet the common thread through them all is excellence of execution and the fulfillment of the objectives of each owner to the maximum extent possible.
“Chuck has modeled for me the Maine ethic of innovation tempered with a reverence for beauty and a true respect for what works at sea. ‘Learning from the master’ is a cliché because it is true. His influence will be with me throughout my career.”
“Ed Joy has been a loyal and highly skilled member of my design team and is now poised to carry on the traditions of fine yacht design on his own. I believe I have taught him well, and look forward to seeing a fleet of lovely creations from his hand.””
“Working with Ed has been a pleasure, and his keen design prowess has been indispensable in bringing this project to a level of distinction that has surpassed my expectations. In addition, his vast knowledge of, and access to specialized vendor resources has been essential to the realization of this lovely little vessel.”
“We had an incredibly positive experience designing SEAL with Ed Joy, who did all the detail work on our 56-foot expedition boat while working at Chuck Paine and Associates. SEAL is an unusual boat, with a lifting keel and rudder, and Ed’s rudder is the envy of the Antarctic charter fleet. We hit an uncharted ledge at 8 knots and the rudder lifted as designed without losing any paint - many boats would have lost their rudders in a similar hit. On the rudder, in particular, he provided a amazing blend of innovation and practicality, and also managed to keep the construction costs down. SEAL has sailed about 35,000 miles since launching, including to Greenland, Antarctica (twice), South Georgia, and numerous trips through the Cape Horn archipelago and the Beagle Channel.”
“Ed greatly improved my preliminary design ideas while turning them into something that could be built. This was a substantial task on such an unusual boat, because very little was standard. Ed included me in every stage of the process and Ranger performs almost exactly as predicted in all respects. Working with him on Ranger’s design is one of the signal experiences of my life.”